Friday, November 29, 2019

Great Speakers free essay sample

In the hopes of creating the vision of ourselves as ‘great speakers,’ it helps to investigate those whom we wish to emulate. A ‘great speaker’ does not have to be famous, rich, or in the public arena. Great speakers exist among us; in our schools, homes, workplaces, and houses of worship. This assignment requires you to choose one individual whom you would entrust with the title of a ‘great speaker’ and present them in a 2 minute presentation. The presentation should entail the following: 1. A creative opening – Consider a quotation or rhetorical question to serve as your AGD (Attention Getting Device). Then segue into the disclosure of your speaker. Don’t just blurt their name out – set up the introduction. 2. Overview of the Speaker – include any pertinent history, background, or experiences that would allow us to receive and appreciate your choice. 3. Rationale for your Choice – Why did you choose this person? Discuss specific moments when they impressed you with their speaking demeanor and style. We will write a custom essay sample on Great Speakers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. 2 Tips from the Pro – What are two lessons we can learn from this particular individual. What makes him/her different from other speakers? Be specific in your detail. Try to find two unique lessons for us to take with us after your presentation. 5. A creative closure – Avoid ‘that’s it’ or ‘and this is why I picked John Doe as a great speaker. Try to develop the ‘clincher’ – a statement that achieves closure in a very stylistic and confident manner. Time Limit:Two-minutes with a fifteen second grace period.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Deep Earthquakes - Why They Happen

Deep Earthquakes - Why They Happen Deep earthquakes were discovered in the 1920s, but they remain a subject of contention today. The reason is simple: they arent supposed to happen. Yet they account for more than 20 percent of all earthquakes. Shallow earthquakes require solid rocks to occur, more specifically, cold, brittle rocks. Only these can store up elastic strain along a geologic fault, held in check by friction until the strain lets loose in a violent rupture. The Earth gets hotter by about 1 degree C with every 100 meters of depth on average. Combine that with high pressure underground and its clear that by about 50 kilometers down, on average the rocks should be too hot and squeezed too tight to crack and grind the way they do at the surface. Thus deep-focus quakes, those below 70 km, demand an explanation. Slabs and Deep Earthquakes Subduction gives us a way around this. As the lithospheric plates making up Earths outer shell interact, some are plunged downward into the underlying mantle. As they exit the plate-tectonic game they get a new name: slabs. At first, the slabs, rubbing against the overlying plate and bending under the stress, produce shallow-type subduction earthquakes. These are well explained. But as a slab goes deeper than 70 km, the shocks continue. Several factors are thought to help: The mantle is not homogeneous but rather is full of variety. Some parts remain brittle or cold for very long times. The cold slab can find something solid to push against, producing shallow-type quakes, quite a bit deeper than the averages suggest. Moreover, the bent slab may also unbend, repeating the deformation it felt earlier but in the opposite sense.Minerals in the slab begin to change under pressure. Metamorphosed basalt and gabbro in the slab changes to the blueschist mineral suite, which in turn changes into garnet-rich eclogite around 50 km depth. Water is released at each step in the process while the rocks become more compact and grow more brittle. This dehydration embrittlement strongly affects the stresses underground.Under growing pressure, serpentine minerals in the slab decompose into the minerals olivine and enstatite plus water. This is the reverse of the serpentine formation that happened when the plate was young. It is thought to be complete around 160 km depth.W ater can trigger localized melting in the slab. Melted rocks, like nearly all liquids, take up more space than solids, thus melting can break fractures even at great depths. Over a wide depth range averaging 410 km, olivine begins to change to a different crystal form identical to that of the mineral spinel. This is what mineralogists call a phase change rather than a chemical change; only the volume of the mineral is affected. Olivine-spinel changes again to a perovskite form at around 650 km. (These two depths mark the mantles transition zone.)Other notable phase changes include enstatite-to-ilmenite and garnet-to-perovskite at depths below 500 km. Thus there are plenty of candidates for the energy behind deep earthquakes at all depths between 70 and 700 km, perhaps too many. The roles of temperature and water are important at all depths as well, though not precisely known. As scientists say, the problem is still poorly constrained. Deep Earthquake Details There are a few more significant clues about deep-focus events. One is that the ruptures proceed very slowly, less than half the speed of shallow ruptures, and they seem to consist of patches or closely spaced subevents. Another is that they have few aftershocks, only one-tenth as many as shallow quakes do. They relieve more stress; that is, the stress drop is generally much larger for deep than shallow events. Until recently the consensus candidate for the energy of very deep quakes was the phase change from olivine to olivine-spinel, or transformational faulting. The idea was that little lenses of olivine-spinel would form, gradually expand and eventually connect in a sheet. Olivine-spinel is softer than olivine, therefore the stress would find an avenue of sudden release along those sheets. Layers of melted rock might form to lubricate the action, similar to superfaults in the lithosphere, the shock might trigger more transformational faulting, and the quake would slowly grow. Then the great Bolivia deep earthquake of 9 June 1994 occurred, a magnitude 8.3 event at a depth of 636 km. Many workers thought that to be too much energy for the transformational faulting model to account for. Other tests have failed to confirm the model. Not all agree. Since then, deep-earthquake specialists have been trying new ideas, refining old ones, and having a ball.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Asian American Observer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asian American Observer - Essay Example After reading the Asian America Observer (2012), a reader will get the impression that gender inequality is a pressing issue in Asian American culture. The newspaper features many articles about women and gender issues and this shows that they are most prevalent in the Asian American community. Apparently, women have it tough in acquiring descent job opportunities because of gender privileges. These privileges offer men more opportunities than it tends to for women. Asian American Observer has provided a good understanding of the social issues in Asian American culture as well as the current events that affect Asian Americans. The observer has included several publications that show the community has more social issues relating to gender and women than any other culture. This is seen as a good effort in creating awareness about this community as individuals will understand the culture better therefore make great contributions in bringing about change (Asian America Observer, 2012). A sense of racial solidarity has been noted in the Asian culture since they have a family orientation in the Asian American community. This matter however does not hide the fact that social issues regarding gender and women are prevalent in Asian American culture. ... Men are also more likely to get well paying jobs in high civil positions. There is a stereotype in the Asian American culture where men are believed to be more productive than women. Men will therefore receive more challenging responsibilities compared to women in the work environment. The observer has shown how gender privileges put women at a huge disadvantage as they are left to compete for the degrading and poor paying jobs (Asian America Observer, 2012). They tend to suffer as they are forced to labour under poor conditions. It has also been noticed that men are more likely to benefit from programmes developed for employees in the work environment compared to women. This shows there is limited access of women to training as well as preparation for other opportunities in the place of work. The event had an aim of raising Asian American cultural sensitivity to ensure women are not sidelined at work and should benefit from opportunities that arise in the work place as much as men d o. It is believed that gender equality will offer opportunities to both men and women therefore make better contribution towards team effort. The current event aimed at moving towards the development of Asian America as a community. It stated clear goals and objectives that would contribute in empowering members of the community, especially women. It had been noted that Asian Americans from Philippines, China, Korea and Japan used to work in farm plantations as most of them lacked formal education. The event had an aim of bringing together all Asian Americans so that they can educate individuals who are in the community as well as outside to make Asian Americans realize the real meaning of their culture. This would help

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Philosophy - Aristotle vs Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Philosophy - Aristotle vs Plato - Essay Example But essentially at a point their philosophies are almost the same because both them doubt the physical reality while their solutions for the believability of reality are different. Indeed Aristotle’s belief in reality emerges from the experimental proof. But Plato’s belief in reality is mostly contextual. For example, if it is believed by the most of the people, it is the reality for the time being. Even if one meets a more real thing, it will not be established by until others also feel in the same way as the person who has viewed the more real/realer. Therefore, Plato’s reality seems to be the norms followed by the most. Plato asserts that reality is essentially subjective and normative while Aristotle’s reality is objective and in order to earn the credibility, it needs to go through a set of experimental process. Indeed both Plato’s and Aristotle’s philosophies are complimentary to each other in the sense that the escaped prisoner discovers the reality through Aristotle’s experimental process that symbolically represents the prisoner’s attempt to escape from the cave, though in Plato’s allegory, the escapade of the prisoner happens accidentally, and the escaped prisoner must teach other prisoners in order to drive out the reality of the cave from their head, while establishing his own reality. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, the prisoners’ cognitive perception of the shadow reality can be considered as their knowledge of the Cave. That is, Plato knowledge is related to physicality, and reality is absolutely the Ideas that precedes reality. P lato’s theory of Ideas and knowledge suggests that â€Å"states of being are contingent upon the mingling of various Forms of existence, that knowledge is objective and thus clearly more real, and that only the processes of nature were valid entities† (Thomas 23). In this regard, Richard L. W. Clark says that in Plato’s hierarchical model of cognition, â€Å"empirical

Monday, November 18, 2019

Corporate social responsibility and business Essay

Corporate social responsibility and business - Essay Example To answer the research question, there is consideration of the actual meaning of corporate social responsibility which relates to understanding the impact of business on the wider world, and considering the positive impact of the business. Corporate social responsibility is a bottom line determiner of the operation of the business. This is because a business that demonstrates enviable traits receives more customers since the business has a social obligation to its customer, implying that if the business demonstrates appropriate social responsibilities to the community which is also the customers, then they will feel much welcome to purchase from the business. In the study work of Boeger, Murray and Villiers (2008), there is evidence that taking a responsible attitude and going beyond minimum legal requirement without considering the size of the business are vital for the success of the business. The study further demonstrates that following straightforward principles that apply to an y business without considering the size is crucial for the welfare of the business. The research proposal takes into consideration the various forms of social responsibility and the bottom line impact on its success. ... The interview would entail recording of the information on questionnaires consisting of two sections. One section comprises information from the community where most are customers of the business, while the other section would be the information from the business. Most of the information in the reading is sourced as evidenced in the research work of Farquhar (2011). Literature Review Information and Data Analysis From the interview, it is evident that working with the local community comes with its benefits. From the information and previous study work of Heald (2005), many businesses find host in local customers since they are vital sources of sales. To be able to recruit employees, there is a need by the business to improve its reputation since a good relationship with the authorities and the community as a whole makes the operations of the business easy. According to Horrigan (2010), most local authorities award contracts to businesses which have a record of involvement in the com munity. Some of information from the interview explains that getting involved with the community would be in terms of supporting local charity or sponsoring a local event. This helps to prove the expertise of the business and demonstrate the face of the business. The information received explains that many businesses involve their employees while working with the community. This is in support to the research conducted by Jackson, Ones and Dilchert (2012), which explains that some businesses will let the employees choose and do voluntary activities for the community and avail pay off time for their efforts. Information received from the interviews indicates that corporate

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How Organization Wide Change Is Best Carried Out Management Essay

How Organization Wide Change Is Best Carried Out Management Essay Both change and continuity may be desirable for the triumphant accomplishment of change. Picture upon the results of an global investigation the article suggests: 1. Company are deteriorating to fully consider the consequences and implications of change. 2. Many changes individual introduced as a result of contemporary management carry out have negative impacts. 3. The hypothesis of steady linear progress is not always justified. 4. Continuity and change are important complements, and more attention needs to be devoted to the continuity of valued relationships. 5. People should be given the liberty to decide the level and nature of modify required in relation to their exacting activities. 6. More holistic, thoughtful and people centered approaches to management are needed. To really appreciate organizational change and begin guide thriving change efforts, the change agent should have at least a broad understanding of the circumstance of the change effort. This includes considerate the basic systems and structure in organizations, as well as their typical terms and roles. This obligation applies to the understanding of leadership and management of the organizations, as well. That is why divide up courses in business often initially include a course or some discussion on organizational theory. This topic includes several links to help you gain this broad accepting. The following relations broadly reviewed in the following order might be helpful to establish some sense about organizations, and their leadership and management. Overview of Change Management There are several phrase regarding organizational change and development that look and sound a lot similar, but have diverse meanings. As a result of the importance of the topic, there seem to be increasingly different interpretation of some of this phrase, while others are used interchangeably. Without at least some sense of the difference between these phrases, connections about organizational change and development can be more and more vague, confusing and frustrating. Methodology of the study: What is Organizational Change: Typically, the concept of organizational transform is in stare to organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller changes such as addition a new person, modify a program, etc. Examples of organization-wide change might contain a change in mission, reformation operations, new technologies, mergers, major collaborations, rightsizing, new program such as total quality management, re-engineering, etc. Some experts refer to organizational alteration. Often this term designates a basic and radical reorientation in the way the organization operates. What is Provokes Organizational Change: Modify should not be done for the sake of change its a policy to accomplish some in general goal. Usually organizational change is aggravated by some major outside heavy force, substantial cuts in funding, address major new markets/clients, need for dramatic increase in efficiency/services, etc. Typically, organizations must commence organization-wide change to evolve to a similar level in their life cycle, going from a highly instant, capitalist organization to more steady and planned development. Change to a new chief executive can incite organization-wide change when his or her new and unique personality pervades the entire organization. Why is Organization-Wide Change Difficult to Accomplish: Typically there are tough resistances to modify. People are afraid of the unknown. Many people think things are by now just fine and dont appreciate the need for change. Many are inherently cynical about change, particularly from reading about the idea of change as if its a mantra. Many hesitations there are effective means to accomplish major organizational change. Often there are conflicting goals in the organization, to increase resources to accomplish the change yet concurrently cut costs to remain viable. Organization-wide change often goes against the very values detained dear by members in the organization, that is, the change may go alongside how members believe things should be done. Thats why much of organizational-change text discusses wanted changes in the development of the organization, including changes in members values and beliefs and in the way they ratify these values and beliefs. How Organization-Wide Change Is Best Carried Out: Winning change must engage top management, as well as the board and chief executive. Typically theres a champion who originally instigate the change by being creative, persuasive and consistent. A change agent role is usually responsible to translate the vision to a sensible plan and carry out the plan. Change is frequently best carried out as a team-wide attempt. Communications about the change should be common and with all organization members. To maintain change, the structure of the institute itself should be customized, including strategic plans, policies and procedures. This change in the structures of the organization typically involves an unfreezing, change and re-freezing procedure. The best approach to address resistances is from side to side increased and continued communications and education. For example, the leader should meet with all managers and employees to explain reason for the change, how it usually will be carried out and where others can go for supplementary information. A plan should be developed and communicate. Plans do change. Thats fine, but communicate that the preparation has tainted and why. forum should be held for organization members to state their ideas for the plan. They should be able to state their concerns and aggravation as fit. Some General Guidelines to Organization-Wide Change: In adding to the general strategy listed above, there are a few other basic guidelines to keep in mind. 1. Consider using a counselor. Ensure the consultant is highly knowledgeable in organization-wide change. Ask to see reference and check the references. 2. Widely communicate the possible need for change. Communicate what youre doing about it. Communicate what was done and how it work out. 3. Get as much advice as sensible from employees, including what they think are the problems and what should be done to determine them. If possible, work with a team of employees to manage the change. 4. Dont get wrap up in doing change for the sake of change. Know why youre making the change. What goal do you hope to achieve? 5. Plan the change. How do you plan to get to the goals, what will you need to reach the goals, how extended might it take and how will you know when youve reach your goals or not? Focus on the coordination of the departments/programs in your organization, not on each part by itself. Have someone in charge of the plan. 6. End up having every employee in the end exposure to one person, if possible, and they should know who that being is. Job images are often complained about, but they are useful in specifying who reports to whom. 7. Delegate decision to workers as much as possible. This includes yielding them the power and responsibility to get the job done. As much as possible, let them decide how to do the project. 8. The process wont be an it will take longer than you think. 9. Keep perspective. Keep listening carefully on meeting the needs of your consumer or clients. 10. Take care of yourself first. Organization-wide change can be extremely stressful. 11. Dont look for to control change, but rather to expect it, appreciate it and manage it. 12. Include conclusion in the plan. Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments. 13. Read some resources about organizational change, as well as new forms and structures. Finds of the study: Harley-Davidson copes against Suzuki to survive and take over in the market by the following way: Level 1- shaping and anticipating the future : At this level, Harley-Davidson start out with few assumptions about the business itself, what it is good at, and what the future will be like. Management generates alternate scenarios of the future, defines opportunities based on these possible futures, assesses its strengths and weaknesses in these scenarios changes its mission, measurement system etc Level 2 Harley-Davidson defining what business to be in and their Core Competencies: Many attempts at strategic planning start at this level, either assuming that: 1) The future will be like the past or at least expected 2) The future is personified in the CEOs of Harley-Davidson vision for the future 3) Management doesnt know where besides to start 4) Management is too scared to start at leve because of the changes needed to really meet future necessities 5) The only permission they have is to refine what job already exists. After a mission has been defined and SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis is finished, an organization can then define its actions, goals, strategies. More information on this is in the next article, moving from the Future to your Strategy. Level 3 Reengineering (Structurally Changing) Your Processes: Either as a result or result of level one or two work Harley-Davidson independent action, level three work focuses on basically changing how work is consummate. Rather than focus on modest improvement, reengineering focuses on making major structural changes to everyday with the goal of considerably improving productivity, efficiency, quality or customer satisfaction. Level 4 Incrementally Changing your Processes: Harley-Davidsons changes are focus in making many small changes to obtainable work processes. Oftentimes organizations put in substantial effort into getting every employee focused on creation these small changes, often with substantial effect. Unfortunately, making improvement on how a buggy whip for horse-drawn carriages is made will hardly ever come up with the idea that buggy whips are no longer necessary because cars have been invented. To read more about organizational changes and how it compare to level , We trained an internal facilitator, helped them deliver teaching in a just-in-time fashion, and had them focus on specific technical problems. The team management shaped reduced early quality defects by 48%. The disadvantage of such an incremental move toward includes avoid structural, system-wide problems, and assume existing processes need modest development. In addition, using incremental approaches can be frustrating to employees and management if does not catch on in the organization. As a result of these disadvantages, many organizations experience a high risk of failure in the long run. Harley-Davidson also takes positive decisions in the following ways: These levels have much of the similar goal increasing customer fulfillment, doing things right the first time, greater employee efficiency, etc. in spite of these similarities, they differ considerably in the methods they use to achieve these goals. In Harley-Davidsons skill, companies that use this method tend to have a elevated need for change, risk-tolerant management, comparatively few constraint and have considerable agreement among its management on what to do. Types of industries include those whose environment requires rapid revision to fast-moving events, electronics, information systems and telecommunication industries. Companies using mostly incremental tools have management that perceives only a unassuming require for change, is relatively risk-avoidant, has many constraint on its events and only has a modest consensus among themselves on what to do. Harley-Davidson using level three methods. If they are considering changes in business lines, re-organizing by customer instead of by purpose, or making key changes in how the everyday employee is being paid, they are using method. regrettably, all of this argument hinges in managements belief about how much change is necessary. This belief often hinges on their often unaided beliefs of: 1) How well the organization performs compare to other organizations a not have of benchmarking. 2) What the future will be. As a result, my suggestion is that organizations conduct scenario/strategic planning movements anyway, even if they have by now decided that incremental method will be sufficient to solve their problems. This way organization can be aware of the limits of the lower-level methods they are using and understand when it is best to throw away these lower-level methods for something more substantive. Based on this exercise, comparison of existing inner processes with world-class examples benchmarking and market study, management may come to realize how much change is necessary. Goals Based on no matter what level work you are doing, the chance that are found need to be evaluate to determine which of them best suit the obtainable and future capability of the organization and offer the most bang for the buck in terms of development in your measures of success. In calculation, goals need to have the resources. Harley Davidson uses the slogan We will expand into the polystyrene market within the next five years and achieve 20% market share. Strategies Harley-Davidson focuses on what, strategies focus on how. Some examples include: We will re-engineer our research and development process We will evaluate and improve our sales and marketing department We will conduct a SWOT analysis and then define our core competencies Supplementary examples of strategy are included in the affecting from the future to your strategy. Wait a second. Arent goal and strategy really the same. They are in one sagacity as they both need to be SMART. As what you force guess, the goals of a level are achieve by create strategies at the minor levels. History of Harley Davidson: William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson make available to the public the first production Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The bike was built to be a racer, with a 3-1/8 inch bore and 3-1/2 inch stroke. The factory in which they worked was a 10 x 15-foot wooden shed with the words Harley-Davidson Motor Company crudely scrawled on the door. Arthurs brother Walter later joins their efforts. Harley-Davidson Motor Company is incorporated on September 17th. The stock is split four ways between the four founders, and staff size has more than doubled from the previous year to eighteen employees. Factory size is doubled as well. Dealer recruitment begins, targeting the New England region. In 1908, Walter Davidson himself scored a perfect 1000 at the annual Federation of American Motorcyclists (FAM) Endurance and Reliability Contest. Three days later, he set an FAM economy record at 188.234 mpg. Also in 1908, the first motorcycle sold for police duty was delivered to the Detroit police force. By 1909 Harley-Davidson was bustling, and the partners introduced the very first Harley-Davidson V-twin engine, a design that continues to thrive to this day. From that base, they built twin-cam V-twins, overhead-cam V-twins and 4-valve V-twinsall before 1920. The company exported its first bike, to Japan, in 1912. In 1916, the company began publishing a magazineThe Enthusiastfor its customers. Still available today, it stands as the longest continuously published motorcycle periodical in the world. During the war, the famous Wrecking Crew, Harleys team of factory riders, was nearly unbeatable in racing, and in 1921, the Crew won every race during the season. Although prime competitor Indian was two years older than Harley-Davidson, Harley was already becoming dominant, both in sales and racing. To further spur buyers, Harley introduced bike financing in 1923. Despite the fact that the country was in the throes of the Great Depression, in 1938 Harley-Davidson introduced the overhead-valve V-twin engine that would come to be known as the Knucklehead, as well as the sophisticated new bike that went around it. That engine and its refinements stuck around for 12 years. The same year, Harley licensed the manufacture of and supplied tooling for a Japanese version of the Harley, called Rikuo, for which the Japanese company Sankyo never paid any royalties. In 1937, Harleys factories were unionized. Mission of Harley Davidson Heritage Harley-Davidson fulfills dreams by providing all riders and customers with a friendly, comfortable and knowledgeable Harley-Davidson environment. We will consistently treat everyone with fairness and integrity and be genuinely interested in their satisfaction and in maintaining a long term relationship. Vision of Harley Davidson Our vision is to provide an unsurpassed experience for all motorcycle enthusiasts while providing fulfilling, worthwhile work and growth opportunities for our team of trained professionals. We strive for continuous improvement in everything we do. Our Work Values Integrity; Loyalty; Fairness; Competence; Sharing knowledge; Accomplishment. We ride with our customers and apply this deep connection in every market we serve to create superior value for all of our stakeholders. Harley-Davidsons values are These are our values. They are the heart of how we run our business. They guide our actions and serve as the framework for the decisions and contributions our employees make at every level of the Company. Tell the Truth. Be Fair. Keep Your Promises. Respect the Individual. Encourage Intellectual Curiosity. Harley-Davidsons financial reports: In Millions of USD (except for per share items) 3 months ending 2009-12-31 9 months ending 2009-09-27 3 months ending 2009-06-28 3 months ending 2009-03-29 3 months ending 2008-12-31 Revenue 893.65 3,888.26 1,277.61 1,395.32 1,342.92 Other Revenue, Total Total Revenue 893.65 3,888.26 1,277.61 1,395.32 1,342.92 Cost of Revenue, Total 743.86 2,738.14 953.45 907.33 959.56 Gross Profit 149.79 1,150.12 324.16 487.99 383.36 Selling/General/Admin. Expenses, Total 256.39 594.78 209.89 221.08 246.05 Research Development Depreciation/Amortization Interest Expense(Income) Net Operating Unusual Expense (Income) 122.34 130.33 43.52 34.86 0.00 Other Operating Expenses, Total Total Operating Expense 1,122.58 3,463.24 1,206.86 1,163.27 1,205.61 Operating Income -228.93 425.01 70.75 232.05 137.31 Interest Income(Expense), Net Non-Operating Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets Other, Net Income Before Tax -238.10 416.76 69.53 223.74 138.04 Income After Tax -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Minority Interest Equity In Affiliates Net Income Before Extra. Items -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Accounting Change Discontinued Operations Extraordinary Item Net Income -218.70 163.58 19.75 117.35 77.81 Preferred Dividends Income Available to Common Excl. Extra Items -147.17 217.81 19.75 117.35 91.94 Income Available to Common Incl. Extra Items -218.70 163.58 19.75 117.35 77.81 Basic Weighted Average Shares Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items Dilution Adjustment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diluted Weighted Average Shares 232.72 234.43 233.52 232.65 232.04 Diluted EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items -0.63 0.93 0.08 0.50 0.40 Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items Dividends per Share Common Stock Primary Issue 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.33 Gross Dividends Common Stock Net Income after Stock Based Comp. Expense Basic EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense Diluted EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense Depreciation, Supplemental Total Special Items Normalized Income Before Taxes Effect of Special Items on Income Taxes Income Taxes Ex. Impact of Special Items Normalized Income After Taxes Normalized Income Avail to Common Basic Normalized EPS Diluted Normalized EPS -0.29 1.22 0.21 0.58 0.40 Findings of the study: There are no typical activities that always effectively address certain types of issues in organizations. Many times, the achievement of a project lies not with having chosen the perfect choice of actions, but rather with how honest and participative people were during the project, how much they learned and how open they were to altering their plans for change. However, there are some basic consideration that most people make when select from among the many choices for organizational expansion, or capacity building, actions. Considerations include: First, does the change-management method propose what organizational growth activities to use now, for example, the method of strategic management might propose that a SWOT analysis be done, strategic goals be recognized along with action tactics for each goal, and then achievement of the action plans be closely monitor. Frequent Monitoring the Dealers: Continuous monitoring system is very important to observe the market. Therefore Marketing Executives visit to the distributors should be more frequent like other competitor companies To Increase good relationship: Distributors are the main sources for the sales of motor cycle products. So my recommendation is that, the company should extend and increase good relationship with all dealers and salesmen. Price Stability: Presently because of Under rate process the distributors are facing different problems. As Under rateof product price creates a great problem in smooth selling, therefore price stability of all product is very much necessary. Availability of marketing executives: In present competitive market situation most of the competitive companies are engaging a big marketing executives to capture the market. In compare with that marketing executives are not sufficient to cover all of the distributors. So marketing executives availability should be ensured. Low price of products: At present the price of Harley-Davidsons products is relatively high in comparing to other competitor companies product. But to capture the market and reach their product to all kind of customers, my recommendation is that, Walton should reduce somewhat their product price. Recommendation of the study: 1. Standard Advertisement Advertisement plays a vital role to run any business well. But in my survey, I have found hat the advertisement of Harley-Davidsons is not satisfactory at all. So the company should pay more attention to advertising. 2. Quality of the products: From my survey I came to know that the of some products of Harley-Davidsons is very low. Some products create disturb even two or three months after selling. If Walton wants to exist in the market for long time and face the competition, it must concentrate on better quality products. Continuous customer contact and monitoring is essential. 4 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) must be used. 5. Customer attraction and retention policy should be modified. 6. To identify new area where the product is not available. At last I want to say that the company should practice Total quality management (TQM) properly. Conclusion: merely put, strategic planning determine where an organization is going over the next year or more, Harley Davidson how its going to get there and how itll know if it got there or not. The focus of a planned plan is usually on the whole organization, while the focus of a business plan is typically on a particular product, service or program. There are a variety of perspective, model and approaches used in strategic planning. The way that a strategic plan is residential depends on the nature of the organization leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organizations environment, size of the organization, expertise of planners, etc. For example, there are a variety of strategic planning models, as well as goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario some would state that circumstances planning are more a method than model. goals-based planning is most likely the most common and starts with focus on the organizations mission and vision, values, goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and act setting up who will do what and by when. Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing in the Harley Davidson organization, strategies to address those issues, and action plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organizations vision and values and then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values. Some planners prefer a particular approach to planning, eg, appreciative inquiry. Some plans are scoped to one year, many to three years, and some to five to ten years into the future. Some plans comprise only top-level in order and no action plans. Some plans are five to eight pages long, even as others can be significantly longer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Short Story :: essays research papers

...the names of those involved have been changed to protect the innocent... March 1, 2001 5:39 p.m. - Nerves, nerves, nerves†¦how can one letter enclosed inside of an envelope determine so much? Michael Livingston had plenty to lose. Try four years of undergraduate school at Morehouse University, two years of Notre Dame graduate school, and Harvard Law. Yes he had plenty to lose. Walking into the door of his closed-space apartment, he sits down with the letter in plain view. Thump, Thump, Thump! His heart races like greyhounds at a race track. The time is here. The time is now. Michael opens the letter to find his results of the BAR exam he had taken†¦ â€Å"Dear Mr. Livingston, It gives us great pleasure to inform you that you are in the ninetieth percentile upon completion of the Virginia State BAR Examination. Congratulations on your success.† Experiencing a seventh heaven elation, Michael throws the life-saving letter up in the air, and yells to the top of his lungs. He sits down on the couch with a sudden thrust as if he were lightheaded. He picks up the letter again and reads it a few more times before disregarding it for the last time. As he catches his breath, the tight brown belt from his khaki trousers digs into his stomach making for an even more uncomfortable pose. Pulling his white Geoffrey Beane button-up shirt out of his trousers, Michael then gets up and walks into his room as if he were in a drunken stoop. The excitement he was experiencing tired him more than the 9 to 5 internship at the courthouse. While his heavy head sunk into the pillow, Mike hears a mysterious knock at his apartment door. â€Å"Who in the hell†¦?† he says emphatically. Mumbling words that would turn his mother in her grave, Michael looks out the peep hole he normally uses to look a Cynthia’s ass.(Cynthia is the 24 yea r old film student that lives in front of Michael.) He then notices three gentlemen; all dressed in fine tailored suites with matching hats and coughing handkerchiefs. Michael shouts, â€Å"Who is it and what do you want?† â€Å"Mr. Livingston,† one gentleman replies. â€Å"We are representatives from Sampson, Heath, Jacks, and associates. May we have a word with you Sir?† Michael tells the gentlemen to hold for a moment while he puts on a shirt. He comes back and opens the creaking door.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bad Effects Of Transhumanism Essay

Humans (and transhumans) are marked by a persistent desire to understand and control their environment and experience. Before the development of the scientific method, deductive and inductive logic, game theory, sophisticated epistemic principles and so on, humans resorted to superficial causal explanations based on observation for common phenomena, and theistic explanation for unusual events. Deities were invoked to explain unusual or destructive phenomena, and to try to provide a comforting model of the uncertainties and uncontrollable events in life. Storms, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, epidemics and madness could not be tolerated without some belief about their cause. In the absence of scientific explanation a religious or theistic explanation was almost inevitable. Along with pre-scientific attempts at understanding came a crude attempt at a technology. A tension is evident here: On the one hand religions have frequently declared events to be determined by a divine plan and s o have held attempts at changing things to be futile (this is common in Eastern religions, as well as other religions involving predestination). On the other hand, religions have offered certain limited and carefully circumscribed means of changing and controlling events, such as through prayer, ritual, and magic. The overall result has been entropic and anti-progressive since religious technology is ineffective (with the occasional exception of psychosomatic effects). The role of religion in providing explanations, however poor, of human life and its environment has given way over time to the superior resources of empirical science. Science has been able to explain an enormous variety of phenomena, both commonplace and unusual. Protestations by theists that science has not and cannot explain the origin of life, the origin of the universe, or the nature of consciousness are increasingly ridiculous as we continue to learn and discover. An objection to this view of the origin and strength of religion is that it is unclear why religion is persisting and even growing as scientific triumphs abound. This objection makes two mistakes however. First, as I am showing, there are other sustaining causes of religion that do not entirely or closely depend on the development of science. Second, the apparent strength and resurgence of religion is, I believe, an illusion  generated from a limited perspective. Certainly religion is not declining rapidly, and is continually taking new forms (such as New Age mysticism), but seen over a span of decades and centuries the trend is clear enough. Late twentieth century religion is very much less powerful than religion in the Middle Ages. In the past religion dominated all aspects of life and the idea of a separation of Church and state would have been considered incomprehensible and wicked. DEALING WITH DEATH AND UNCERTAINTY: One of the great tasks before us, as transhumanists, is the reengineering of our consciousness to do away with the powerful desire for certainty of a dogmatic kind. Most humans feel that they cannot bear to be wrong. They fear an unknown future. They readily give up intellectual and emotion independence in favor of faith in another person, whether human or supernatural myth. Humans are also driven to the comforts of religious dogma by the terrible fact of death. Some transhumanists expect religion to automatically decline as technological progress accelerates. Unfortunately, the faster technology and society changes, the greater the uncertainty in people’s lives, so the greater the appeal of religion in all its forms. (Hence the takeover by National Socialism and communism at times of great upheaval.) Scientific and technological progress alone will not abolish religious thinking. Transhumanist philosophies, especially immortalist philosophies such as Extropianism, will be vital to intellectual and emotional progress.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Technology Effect Professor Ramos Blog

The Technology Effect When walking around campus, plaza, or anywhere you see people communicating, not face to face but these people are communicating through their phones. With technology advancing at a fast rate, who is to say that technology is going to help so much that we rely on it for everything that it actually hurts society rather than help it. With facts showing that people in this era rely on technology to socialize with other people because they are socially awkward, also kids growing up with technology in their primary years show to be less active, but rather than using technology for all the wrong reasons, technology can help nurture creative talent. Is technology limiting our creativity? We see people on the daily walking on their phones with their buddies texting each other through their phones rather than look at each other and spit words out their mouth. This is what technology is doing to a lot of people. At this rate people will probably not see sunlight because they will have futuristic robots running errands for them. We have difficulties having normal face to face conversations because our reliance on technology unlike back then when people would go outside and look for those new adventures and enjoy themselves. Technology like ipads, smartphones, video games, and even television is what has replaced our stone age fun. According to the Wall Street Journal, â€Å" A recent Pew Research survey of adults in the U.S found that 71% use Facebook at least occasionally, and 45% of Facebook users check the site several times a day.† Just because they are on this social app it doesn’t make these people social because they are talking to one another throug h a screen with no tone, and no body language and that’s communicating face to face, but however this statistic proves that people are spending far more time on their phones on social media than face to face conversations. Students at Connecticut College, about a total of 112 male and female undergraduate students were surveyed about their social skills, technology use, and social anxiety according to Cecilia Brown from The Department of Psychology. They predicted that the participants who took the survey that used technological communication a lot more than face to face communication or prefered it to face to face communication, would have high social anxiety and low social skills and came out to be right. According to Cecilia brown not only people in schools, outside activity, etc employers are complaining about the workers lack of interpersonal communication skills they have, and communication skills have on a rapidly rate to the top of the list of qualities required of employees. At work where we should all be working as a team communicating to one another rather than waiting for one another to say something or just being flat out weird. Looking at ourselves and how we grew up in the past, we grew up with our imagination and outdoor activity. Nowadays you see families stop their babies from crying with technology, and these kids aren’t watching Elmo or any type of educational videos. They are watching kids play with toys or watching kids play videogames and this blows my mind to this day. According to The Telegraph children are entering a â€Å"tragic decline† from the age of seven, with activity levels dropping from K-6th grade. Kids in this era have come to a â€Å"digital dependence†, fitness experts claim it will shorten lives with sedentary lifestyles, which means they will live lives with little to no activity at all. People who live these sedentary lifestyles are often lying down or sitting while engaged with an activity such as television, video games, or their mobile device. Head of ukactive Kids, Jack Shakespeare, said â€Å"Physical inactivity is society’s silent killer and big gest tragedy is that it’s creeping up on our children before they’ve even left the playground.† He believes to fix this is a â€Å"cultural shift† to protect inactive generation from a lifetime of health problems and creativity. Instead of using technology for the wrong reasons because you are bored and want to pass time, technology can be used to be educationally inclined if used correctly. It can be used to be exposed to new things, ask questions, tune in to the right distractions, brainstorming using digital tools, even things like blogging can have an effective way for the development of creative thinking and writing. According to Bentley University because of technology it gives entrepreneurs the power to fund their dreams via group funding platforms, also gives students the opportunity to learn new skills with professors and classmates remotely. As long as you are maintaining a balanced lifestyle between technology and creativeness outside of technology use, it will only help each one of us to become the best person we can be. In conclusion, technology is one of the great things we have today in this era and if not used correctly can have us humans live that socially awkward life, even have our kids less active so therefore giving them the possibility to having sedentary lifestyles, but if used correctly can help boost our knowledge on anything we set our minds too. To fix such problems its starts from the parents, will you be the change? Work Cited   N., Viraj. â€Å"Technology Is Making Us Socially Awkward.† The Day Creek Howl, 13 Mar. 2017, Brown, Cecilia, Are We Becoming More Socially Awkward? An Analysis of the Relationship Between Technological Communication Use and Social Skills in College Students. (2013). Psychology Honors Papers. 40. â€Å"How Technology Is Boosting Your Creativity.† Bentley University, 19 Oct. 2018, Donnelly, Laura. â€Å"Children Become Less Active from the Age of Just Seven, Major Study Finds.† The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 14 Mar. 2017,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Portrayal of Women in Music Videos essays

Portrayal of Women in Music Videos essays Together with the songs' melody and lyrics, music videos are powerful tools that tattoo human minds with images that shape a person's attitude. Throughout the twentieth century, music videos have influenced various perceptions on the images of women. No matter what the women in the music videos are singing about, or what actions they are doing in the videos, there is almost always a sexual overtone. For women to be portrayed in this way has many consequences, for the images that we view in every day life shape the way we think. Viewing a music video that has a woman being portrayed in an overtly sexual manner once may not have a very serious affect on a person, but seeing many different music videos all portraying women sexually, and seeing these videos over and over, does indeed shape a persons mind to view women with much less respect than they would otherwise. This therefore, is where the problem lies. Over time, seeing women being portrayed as sex objects will shape the way people in general view women. It will change how a woman sees herself, and how a man sees other women. A big problem with music videos is that the visual is put to music. Every time a person listens to a certain song on the radio or on a CD, the images of the music video will pop into their heads. If one views a particular music video at least a few times a day, and also listens to the song on the radio or on a CD a few times a day, they are being presented with these images over and over. The younger a person is, the more these sexual images can affect them. Young adults are possibly the most influential group, for music videos are much more popular at this time in a persons life. How a teenager dresses, acts and talks can be heavily influenced by what they see. The main reason for this is because at this age, a teen is constantly searching for what kind of person they are to become. Their self-esteem is...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Geological history of Western side of North Yorkshire Essay

Geological history of Western side of North Yorkshire - Essay Example The area is largely composed of valleys which drain most of the Pennine moorland and it is composed of other smaller dales supporting the same course (Lott 1983). Generally, the geology of the area is composed of the carboniferous strata with its nature in the Lithological form experiencing successive changes right from the north of the area to the south (Dunham, Stubblefield & James 1944). This is necessitated by the fact that there are major fault lines separating the two regions forming the topography of the area in addition to the intrusion of the granite forming the deepest depth which creates the mountain ranges of the area including the Black Hills. The rocks of the area are of different ages with the old rocks majorly being composed of the lower Paleozoic age underlying the carboniferous dynamisms, which covers most of the area. The Paleozoic aged rocks, on the other hand, crop out slightly in the western fringes in form of small inliers in areas such as the craven moor, stum p cross caverns and the high crag. The opposite of the topography is the side composed of the hills with the exposure of the rocks in the west deeply buried making the two regions distinct in terms of the geological makeup (Ashbourn 2010). Furthermore, in the western side of the North Yorkshir

Saturday, November 2, 2019

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - Essay Example bserved that cutting edge improvements in the area of information technology (IT) have made most of the business processes easier as well as economical, apart from pushing geographical boundaries into near obsolescence. These improvements â€Å"have made it less costly for consumers to determine the characteristics of products produced abroad† (Krol, 2008, P.3), and have also provided the producers/manufacturers with the ease to gauge consumer preferences. As a result the manufacturers are in a better position to customize their products and/or services with an aim to tap the foreign markets. Hence it can easily be comprehended that the modern business scenario that prevails in the global arena is highly competitive and the players are keen on utilizing every possible avenue to maximize their gains. It may be observed that â€Å"income growth in developed countries and even in some less-developed countries has increased the demand for goods and services produced domestically as well as from abroad† (Krol, 2008, P.4), which implies that the volumes of international trade – and hence its inherent perils – have been rising incrementally, thereby calling for efficient trade protection policies. Another important reason for the implementation of such policies is that â€Å"trade restrictions have decreased significantly since World War II† (Krol, 2008, P.4). In the context of global economies it has been observed that the developed nations can afford to subsidise, the developing nations prefer barriers to protect their trading activities. Data from the World Bank reveal that a large number of trade restrictions have been brought into effect as â€Å"several countries, including 17 of the G-20, have implemented 47 measures whose effect is to restrict trade at the expense of other countries† (Gamberoni & Newfarmer, 2009, P.1). Within the eventful cauldron of international trade one of the phenomena that raise concern is that of dumping which, according to the World